In France, the nuclear energy is our main source of electricity. GAT International has achieved numerous projects in this field. Our company has also taken part in projects for the construction of coal or hydraulic power plant, for example.
- Supervision of the coal stockyard's erection, boiler supply and ashes release
- Drafting of the procedures of the material handling's erection (coal and ashes)
- Receipt of the material from several handling subcontractors (coal and ashes)
- Supervision of the works done on buildings, painting, watertightness
- Supervision of the subcontracting companies on high pressure piping
- Turbines adjusting
- Supervision of the subcontracting companies on common parts, storage tanks and links
El Jadida
- Supervision of the coal stockyard's erection, boiler supply and ashes release
- On site operators' training plan setting
- Soldering procedures setting, assistance to the subcontracting companies : site administration, accounting, relationship with local authorities
Kot. Addu
- Supervision of the works done on buildings, painting, watertightness
- Supervision of the subcontracting companies on high pressure piping, turbines adjusting, appliance of the quality assurance plan with the subcontractors
- Supervision of the civil work works in the common parts and buildings
- Supervision of the coal stockyard's erection and ashes release on a power plant
- Supervision of the structure's erection in the machinery room